How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Facebook is basically essential for businesses these days. Without a Facebook page, a lot of people will think your business doesn’t exist! I’m gonna break down exactly how to set it up in this post.



You have to first make a Facebook account before creating a business page. 


  1. Click ‘create a new page’
  2. Fill in the relevant information 
  3. Choose three categories that your business fits into 
  4. Write a short description – this can just be your bio from Instagram or Twitter! 
  5. Create page 
  6. Add profile and cover photo
    • The profile photo can only be 180 x 180, so keep this in mind
    • Your cover photo is bigger on mobile than on desktop. The most important piece of your image should be between 312 x 820, but the whole image will be 416 x 820. 
  7. Go through Important Next Steps 
    • Create a welcome post 
    • Invite friends 
    • Add a page button for visitors – Creates a call to action! 
  8. View as a visitor to see preview 
  9. Go through ‘Set up Your Page for Success and add relevant information’
  10. Add in your Services 
  11. Optional – click ‘More’ for setting up a shop, viewing offers, posting photos & videos, etc 
  12. Claim a username – this is really important! This is how everyone finds you on the internet. Try to make it the same across all platforms!
  13. Go through settings like page visibility, notifications, etc
  14. Add someone you trust as an Admin as a backup in case something goes wrong with your account


Now your Facebook business page is ready to go and you can get started sharing your messages, connecting with your audience and promoting your brand. 

I have a whole series of Facebook tips on my YouTube channel – click here!







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